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Woman with headache pain

7 Natural Ways to Prevent & Ease Headaches

From pulsating pain to a dull aching sensation, headaches can be frustrating and debilitating, disrupting your life and productivity. Since headaches are not caused by a deficiency in acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen (Tylenol, Advil, Aleve), resolving the root cause is ideal, rather than just treating your symptoms.

A whopping 80% of headaches are cervicogenic (originating and caused by issues in your neck)! That’s intense. But the good news is you can do something about it. Our daily lives are swamped with postural challenges and potential technological addictions with seated/sedentary occupations, never-ending reels, often unavoidable device use, commuting….

You ask, what can I do about it??

  1. See your Chiropractor to help restore healthy movement in restricted neck joints, and most importantly, restore your nervous system function.
  2. Do your posture training!
  3. Take care of your sleep posture and consider your pillow
  4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  5. Strengthen your neck, free your upper back and take care of your shoulders
  6. All-natural anti-inflammatory protocols
  7. Essential oils

Chiropractic Care:

Chances are or have been a Chiropractic patient if you are reading our newsletter. Please share this information with those you would benefit, and think about who (maybe in your own family) would benefit from an assessment, spinal care, and posture advice (aka who in your life has a spine)?

Extremely safe, effective, and 100% natural, Chiropractic is an excellent choice for headaches, stress, pain prevention and relief, and prevention of degeneration/decay of your spine.


On our posture assessment form, forward head posture, protracted (forward rounded) shoulders, hyperkyphosis (too much upper back hump), and flattening of the cervical spine (due to forward head posture) are pretty much always checked off. Device use, being stuck sitting at a desk or behind the wheel of your car…. then managing stress and relaxing by sitting in your couch and binging Netflix or playing video games…

Bringing your shoulders back into neutral position, bringing your head back on top of your shoulders, and restoring the natural curves of your spine is a game changer…. While we can support with stretches, exercises, and specific muscle activation, getting those spinal joints moving well is imperative to reversing these degenerative processes that can lead to pain and headaches.

Subscribe to Synergy With Sarah Shawn for posture training and a holistic approach to mobility.

Sleep Ergonomics:

Assessing your sleep posture, your pillow and mattress can shed light on why you may be waking with neck pain or a headache, or not getting a good quality sleep. Do you wake up with your arm under your pillow or head? Do you sleep on your stomach? Are you waking several times a night with pain? All of these can be helped with the right-fitting pillow, and strategic use of other pillow to get you, and keep you, comfortable. These are the pillows we carry in our clinic: Courtyard Chiropractic Pillows


Dehydration is a common trigger for headaches. Ensuring you drink enough water throughout the day can prevent and alleviate headache symptoms. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily and increase your intake during hot weather or physical activity. Herbal teas and unsweetened, high-quality electrolytes can help contribute to your hydration goals.

Keto Chow electrolyte drops has worked well for us. We have heard great things about LMNT but have not tried it. I (Sarah) have enjoyed Organika electrolyte powder, and I choose unflavoured. Though they have some great flavours, I am cautious in eating “natural” and zero or low calorie sweeteners. I find they can ramp up my sugar cravings.

Strengthen neck muscles, free up your Thoracic spine movement and take care of your shoulders:

Mobility and strength go hand in hand… What if your neck is super tight because it’s weak? If your shoulders are restricted, this can add strain to your neck… and if your thoracic spine (upper back) is jammed up, this causes shoulder strain. This is why a holistic approach is ideal. Everything is connected to everything else in your body!

All-natural anti-inflammatory protocols:

It’s simple, and maybe not easy…. It does a body good to REDUCE or eliminate inflammatory input {sugar, processed carbs (which are sugar in your body), alcohol, smoking, specific intolerances/allergens/irritants}. Here are some resources that may be helpful. Hydration, getting enough high quality whole fats, and using an all-natural topical inti-inflammatory cream like Fisiocrem can go a long way to reduce inflammation and help with pain.

Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Control Alcohol
This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life by Annie Grace
The Alcohol Experiment: Expanded Edition: A 30-Day, Alcohol-Free Challenge To Interrupt Your Habits and Help You Take Control by Annie Grace
Good Sugar Bad Sugar: Eat yourself free from sugar and carb addiction

Yes, vaping can cause headaches:

  • Nicotine can cause headaches, and vaping is a way to consume nicotine. Nicotine headaches can also be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.
  • Vaping can lead to dehydration, which can trigger headaches.
  • Some people may be sensitive to chemicals in e-liquids, such as propylene glycol (an ingredient in antifreeze, vegetable glycerin, or flavorings.
  • A University of Calgary study found that teens who vaped daily had twice the rate of frequent headaches compared to their peers.
  • Other known short-term side effects of vaping include: Coughing, Shortness of breath, Eye irritation, Dry and irritated mouth and throat, and nausea.

Easy Way to Quit Vaping

Essential Oils:

Certain essential oils have pain-relieving and relaxing properties that may help ease headaches. Peppermint oil, when applied to the temples and forehead, creates a cooling sensation that may reduce tension headaches. Lavender oil, known for its calming effects, can be inhaled or applied topically to promote relaxation and potentially relieve migraine pain.


This method involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve pain and tension. For headaches, try pressing the pressure point LI-4, located in the webbing between your thumb and index finger, for a few minutes. Another effective point is GB20, found at the base of your skull on both sides of your neck.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress and tension are major contributors to headaches. Incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine may help prevent and manage headache pain. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, prayer, massage therapy, and reflexology are all helpful methods. Even taking a few minutes to pray and practice mindfulness can make a significant difference in reducing headache frequency and intensity. How massage therapy works, and how it can work for you

By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you may find relief from headaches without relying on medication. Another natural approach that may help ease headaches is chiropractic care. Book a free consultation, initial assessment, adjustment or massage today.



** Links provided may not be construed as medical advice, nor is there any affiliation other than the link to to the pillows we recommend and carry in our clinic. These are resources and products that have worked for us and our patients. We encourage you to do your own research and find what works best for you! And please share what works for you, we are always growing our resource library.


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