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Eat well, Save money, Be well!

Getting rich in plants is totally do-able on a budget… Experience the wellness & vitality that comes with food-intentionality!

Re-think your process

Everything that is prepared and processed comes at a cost…. You just need to decide if it’s worth it. Buying a case of Sprague’s Organic Lentil Soup at Costco so we can rip open a can, throw it in a pot with a pile of spinach is a lifesaver at the end of a 12 hour clinic day. However, thinking ahead a little takes just a bit of effort for so much pay off! Soaking dry beans, sometimes sprouting them (even if kinda by mistake because I left them on the counter too long) and cooking them (Instant Pot to the rescue) is a no-brainer as far as cost-savings.

Of course, we must mention the health costs of convenience. Processed and prepared foods notoriously contain sodium, refined sugars, preservatives etc. designed to woo your taste buds and loosen your wallet rather than flatter your waistline or support your long-term health.


  • Buy dry – Dried beans are a great way to go with no need for cans or recycling those cans and other can-related concerns (preservatives like EDTA, BPA linings etc.)
  • Get all souped up – stock your freezer with delicious, nutritious soups, stews, sauces, dips and dressings
  • Get on the case – compare your own prices, cases can be cheaper
  • Get canned – We’re not canners, but we know lots of you are!
  • Chill out – Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked at the peak of their ripeness and nutritional status and maintain their goodness! We’re talking cost savings and a stellar “shelf life”.  A 2017 study  found that there were no significant differences in vitamin content between frozen and fresh vegetables. Furthermore, when there was a slight difference, it was more likely that the frozen vegetables had a higher concentration of nutrients than their fresh counterparts.

Buy in season

There is nothing like fresh, crisp, sweet strawberries when they are in season. Or lovely, flavourful asparagus. While it can be challenging to buy “in season” year-round in our North American climate, we can definitely take advantage of the seasonal veg and fruit that Ontario has to offer!

Seasonal eating = best taste, maximum freshness, highest nutritional bang for your buck, and best promotes a healthy gut microbiome (which = better moods, weight management, immunity, blood sugar regulation, skin health and so much more.

Buy a bunch, eat lots, freeze some, make soups…. Get creative and save a bundle as well.

Go local

Buying in season and going local go hand in hand as far as taste, nutrition, and freshness. Isn’t it also great knowing that your food didn’t travel cross-continent before you brought it home to prepare? We can drastically reduce our carbon footprint by “going local”. Getting your food from farmer’s markets, local grocers, and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) can reduce your food costs… and even better if you happen to have a friend with a garden who has way too much of whatever this year, and they really want to give it to you!

Buy in bulk

Stock up when the stocking is good! Buying on sale and in bulk can save you a bundle! For those staples that you know you will be using, buying by the case can be a great way to go. No room? You could take it on as a challenge to declutter, go through your closets and keep mostly those items you really use that “spark joy” as Marie Kondo says. Maybe one of those corners or closets could be a pantry instead of a pile of stuff you don’t know what to do with.

Grow your own

If you have the time, space, sunshine and know how, growing your own food can be a super nutritious & delicious endeavor. Studies also show that gardening is good for your health. HERE is a lovely list. If you don’t know how, it’s good for your brain and neuroplasticity to learn.

If you don’t have the space, sunshine etc., window sill herbs pack a nutrition/flavour punch. You can also try a garden allotment, or perhaps see if gardening is your thing by borrowing a corner of a friend’s garden.


Eating super well and inexpensively need not be complicated. While it does take some effort, thought and intention, thinking ahead and prepping well can become a satisfying habit. When you truly connect your actions with how you feel, you can “take credit” for how great you feel, and you can notice when you are not feeling as great and choose to do something different.

  • Choose foods you like
  • Choose foods with high nutritional value. The ANDI score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index) can help CLICK HERE to check it out. Sunflower seeds, as an example, are a cheap, healthy whole source of protein and fat. And flax seeds can’t be beat as a super versatile ingredient, and whole source of Omega 3s, fibre and so much more.
  • Get good at a few awesome, simple recipes
  • Change how you serve things up by cooking/not cooking in different ways (steaming, veggie stock sautéing, air frying, baking, blending, chilling, BBQing, etc.), and adding different herbs and spices to the same ingredients

Sprout it

Sprouts of any kind is at their peak of concentrated nutrient density, containing everything that plants need to mature… So good for you! Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients, sprouts are so easy and quick to grow at home on your counter. We love the taste, but if you don’t, they are easy to hide in smoothies and other dishes. You can sprout seeds (kale, broccoli, alfalfa, red clover, and many more), beans and legumes, and you can germinate nuts and seeds. Watch for future blogs on sprouting.




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