Like Rouge Valley Health System and Toyota, we shoot for Lean efficiency. In this crazy paced life, it’s the way to go!
Supplement your week:
- Organize your supplements for the entire week in an organizer
- Even add your probiotics and put the whole thing in the fridge
- Organize for the whole family so everyone gets what they need quickly, easily and daily!
Organics to your door:
- There are so many companies who now offer the service of dropping amazing, fresh, organic produce at your door. Google away to find the right match for you…
From the store to your sink:
- We unload our groceries right in to the sink for washing
- Pre-chop as much as you can and store in container (Tools to come)
Take it from the butcher:
- Buy on sale, buy in bulk, buy the whole bird
- We sometimes roast a whole chicken, then make bone broth
- And the slow cooker does wonders to cook the chicken while we sleep or work, and we get amazing chicken broth out of the deal (recipes and “how to” to come)
Whole Fish:
- A good fish monger will have whole fish options, and offer to clean and filet how you like it
- Ask to keep the bones and head to make a wonderful fish stock (recipe to come)
- Package in portions that take into account your need for meals and leftovers
Assembly lines for everything:
- Line it up, lay it out and make it fun for the kids to contribute by doing their favorite job
- Whether it’s washing, chopping, cooking, packing lunches or filling the freezer, think efficiency
Cook A – Chop B:
- Idle hands just mean you are spending more time than I’m sure you want to in the kitchen
- So while you are cooking something, prep and chop something else
- Or unload the dreaded dishwasher ;)
Don’t get left out:
- Always make enough to have ample leftovers
- To avoid boredom, don’t always have leftovers the next day, have something different in between
- Stash some meals in the freezer
Serve it up!
- While you dish our dinner, portion leftovers directly “To Go”
- This ensures you have lunch and you can avoid over eating as you nibble here and there in the kitchen